TaG Living 創夏設計

成立於2011年的夏天,TA Group 是一個跨領域、多視角的設計團隊,從工業設計到室內設計,作品從精品眼鏡、文具家飾、居家空間跳躍到米其林餐廳設計,以追求生活、事物本質的思考,透過自然與直覺的細膩設計,融合各種傳統的、現代的、實驗性的工藝與素材,讓每個設計都富有意義與優異的機能,創造出生活中的美好與療癒時刻,至今獲得德、日、英、美、義等32座國際大獎,品牌銷售至16國31城市,持續創造新的美好。

Founded in the summer of 2011, TaG is an interdisciplinary and multi-perspective design team. Spanning from industrial design to interior design, the portfolio ranges from high-end eyewear, stationery, and home decor to Michelin restaurant designs. With a commitment to life and contemplation about the essence of objects, TaG Living’s designs are natural, intuitive, and exquisite. By blending a variety of traditional, modern, and experimental crafts and materials, each design comes with rich meanings and excellent functionality to create moments of beauty and healing in everyday life. To date, TaG Living has won 32 international awards from Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the USA, among others. The brand is sold in 31 cities across 16 countries, by constantly crafting the new and the beautiful things. 



英國 Dezeen設計獎 Dezeen Award

香港 DFA亞洲最具影響力獎 DFA Design for Asia Awards

台灣 TID室內設計大獎 Taiwan Interior Design Award

台灣 金點設計獎 Golden Pin Design Award

日本 Good Design設計獎 Good Design Award

義大利 A' Design設計獎 A' Design Award

德國 iF設計獎 iF Design Award

德國 紅點設計獎 Red Dot Design Award

英國 餐廳和酒吧設計獎 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards

香港 設計選集大獎 Design Anthology Awards